Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Morning Walk

After a long gap again I am visiting my blog. Thanks to "Morning Walk" ..... Fresh Air full of energy makes one look at reality with totally different prospective.
आजकल मै सुबह होने का इंतजार करता रहता हूँ ताकि मै Morning walk के लिए जा सकू.
बहुत सारे ख्याल आते है . I wish i should have a tape recorder or a recorder of some sort which could record all my thoughts there and whenever I am alone or whenever I feel like lost, maybe I will just play that and listen to those thoughts. Thoughts full of enery , Full of positiveness.
I wish, my eyes act as cam recorder and I could record the beauty in nature, beauty in morning sky... those wonderful colours of the dawn in my eyes. Morning fresh air fills me with lot of energy every day.
मै सोचता हूँ मेरे साथ और कितने सारे लोग हैं जो हरदिन Morning Walk के लिए आते हैं, क्या सोचते होगे वो? पता नहीं लेकिन एक बात जरुर हैं की वो जो भी सोचते होगे शायद अच्हा ही सोचते होगे. सुबह की हवा में वो जादू हैं की कोई कुछ बुरा सोच ही नहीं सकता शायद.
When a day starts with such a positive note what else one needs?

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